rajin tul delour update blog pagi2 nih
actually i tgah pkir smthing ni about
panda eye@black circle under eye
now i slalu tido lwat almost everyday
byk keje kew?!?!
exam LoL
tmorow morning when i wake up the panda's eye appeared
waaaaaaa i dh jd panda!?!?
i have try many product but cannot help me
mcamane ek?!?!?
any suggestion???!?
hi delour....eila pun ade prob yg sama..try letak timun dan peket teh yg dah guna tuu..ade juga wat facial kadang2 tuk dark circle nihh...
btul ckp eila tu dear.. letak timun or uncang teh yg dh dgunakan..
nk lebih cepat u sapu je concealer ;-)
thanks 4 ur comment dear..
i nk try gne peket teh lh mne tau bkesan kn..huhuhu..
mrs lVoe
thanks dear..
i nk try eila suggestion tu..=)
Try la Clinique all about eye rich.
its really works for me..
hi dear..
i slalu usha ur blog but dnt know which one to choose..
since the owner dh bg suggestion myb i should gve a try..hehe..
thanks dear...
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